The 32 physical characteristics of a Kumari
- Shapely feet
- A circle under the sole of foot
- A well-formed heel
- Long toes
- Feet and hands like a duck
- Tender and supple feet and hands
- A body formed like a Saptacchata leaf
- The thighs of a deer
- Genitals positioned deep in the pelvis
- Round shoulders
- The chest of a lion
- Long arms
- A pure body
- A neck like a mussel
- Cheeks like a lion
- Forty teeth (?)
- shapely teeth
- White teeth
- A small tongue
- A moist tongue
- The deep voice of a sparrow
- Black blue eyes
- The lashes of a cow
- A beautiful shadow
- A gold-colored shadow
- A beautiful skin color
- straight, but turning to the right hair
- Black blue hair
- A broad forehead
- Around head
- A body like a banyan tree (Nyagrodha)
- A strong body
Source: »Kailash. A Journal of Himalayan Studies«, 1974, Bd. II, Nr. 3