Site Map of Michaels WebSite - Kumaris of Nepal, Railroad and ComputersMichaels railway pagesInteresting rail routesThe history of the railway in HengersbergAfter the end of passenger service100 years railroad in HengersbergSubway MunichTrip to Nepal from 19th January till 30th January 2016The Kumari (The living goddesses of Nepal)The history of the Kumari-TraditionLegends and stories arround the Kumari-TraditionDer kleine Tiff (only in German language)The 32 physical characteristics of a KumariFestivals & Rituals arround the Kumari-TraditionThe cycle - Once goddess and backThe acting and former Kumaris of NepalHira Maiya Shakya (Kathmandu)Dil Kumari Shakya (Kathmandu)Nani Mayju Shakya (Kathmandu)Anita Shakya (Kathmandu)Rashmila Shakya (Kathmandu)Preeti Shakya (Kathmandu)Matina Shakya (Kathmandu)Sajani Shakya (Bhaktapur)Shreeya Bajracharya (Bhaktapur)Dhana (Dharma) Kumari Bajracharya (Patan / Lalitpur)Chanira Bajracharya (Patan / Lalitpur)Samita Bajracharya (Patan / Lalitpur)Nihira Bajracharya (Patan / Lalitpur)More information about the Kumari-TraditionThe Kumari (Dyo Maiju - Poem in honours of the Kumari)The Kumari (living god found)Michaels IT- & Computer-PageHardwareMichaels ProjectsMy link listImprint / License informationTable of contents of