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100 years of railways in Hengersberg

Steamtrain with tender loco 70 083 coming from Deggendorf, bridge at B 533 - Highslide JS
Steamtrain with tender loco 70 083 coming from Deggendorf, bridge at B 533
© Michael Murr
more details: here
© Michael Murr
more details: here

Hengersberg celebrates 100 years of railways
In 2013 the railway line from Deggendorf to Hengersberg had its 100th route anniversary. On June 25. 1913, the first train ran solemnly decorated at the opening of the route. The section from Hengersberg to Eging, which is closed today and converted into a cycle path, was opened in 1914.
The citizens of Hengersberg celebrated their route anniversary on August 18. 2013 with 3 special steam train journeys. The special train consisted of four historic wagons, which were pulled by the tank locomotive 70 083. The locomotive was manufactured by Krauss in Munich in 1913 under the factory no. 6733. The special train ran from Deggendorf Hbf to Hengersberg at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. and back to Deggendorf at 11:45 a.m., 1:45 p.m. and 3:45 p.m.

Steamtrain with tender loco 70 083 in the railway station at Hengersberg - Highslide JS
Steamtrain with tender loco 70 083 in the railway station at Hengersberg
© Michael Murr
more details: here
© Michael Murr
more details: here

Steamtrain with tender loco 70 083 coming from Deggendorf, short before bridge at B 533 down - Highslide JS
Steamtrain with tender loco 70 083 coming from Deggendorf, short before bridge at B 533 down
© Michael Murr
more details: here
© Michael Murr
more details: here

Anniversary - great fun for families and rail fans
Already on the eve before August 18. the 100 year old tank locomotive 70 083 was transferred from Bayerisch Eisenstein to Deggendorf. The night before the big anniversary, the locomotive spent on the former loading track, in the vicinity of the student dormitories, under the clear starry sky of Deggendorf. A steam locomotive is rarely seen in operation these days, which is why unsuspecting residents believed the smoke trail of the locomotive to be a fire and thus caused a false alarm at the Deggendorf fire department.
In the following morning the Deggendorf fire brigade helped to take water and the technical aid agency supplied the locomotive with coal. In the meantime, the staff heated up the locomotive to its operating temperature.
Passengers were already crowding on platform 2 of Deggendorf's central station. The city chapel greeted the train with happy music and Dr. Reinhard Müller from the BLV thanked the fire brigade and the THW for their active support.
Punctually at 11 a.m., Mayor Christian Moser placed the departure order for the train by blowing the whistle and conductor's ladle. The locomotive whistled loudly through the city. On its first trip an incorrectly set switch almost led the train to the freeport instead of to Hengersberg. After the turnout key had been supplied by the Deggendorf dispatcher, the train ran on again. Despite the small breakdown, the travelers enjoyed the journey in the stylish fir-green wagons from the 1930s.
The train station in Hengersberg experienced a real great moment on this day and you could feel reminded of the opening ceremony 100 years ago. On the flag-decorated square, crowds of people awaited the anniversary train. The station host provided drinks and food to the people.
The great popularity showed that the citizens of Hengersberg keep large amounts of their station even after scheduled passenger services ceased in 1981. Many people wanted Hengersberg as the starting point for this train journey.

Der Christkindl-Express auf der Fahrt von Hengersberg nach Deggendorf - Highslide JS
Der Christkindl-Express auf der Fahrt von Hengersberg nach Deggendorf
© Michael Murr
mehr Details: hier
© Michael Murr
mehr Details: hier

Christkindl-Express was the last passenger train to Schöllnach
On December 8. 2001, the last passenger train - the Deggendorf Christkindl Express - which was supported by the model railway association Deggendorf, ran to Schöllnach. Today cyclists use the former railway line. In Schöllnach, Iggensbach and Schwanenkirchen, street names still tell of the past railway era.
In the following years, the planned special trains to Hengersberg were canceled. The "Deutsche Bahn Netz AG" refuses all such trains on the closed route. Because in another case a court case is pending, so the railway argument, the Passau railway friends are not allowed to use the route to Hengersberg.