Michael's Website
über Kumaris, Eisenbahnen und Computer

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Michaels railway pages

Steam Train before Hengersberg - Highslide JS
Steam Train before Hengersberg

more details: here

more details: here

In addition to the Kumaris from Nepal and IT, the railway is another of my hobbies, which I dedicate a place on my website. Here I have published interesting and worth knowing information about extraordinary rail routes and travel destinations and hope that you will be as fascinated by it as I am.

Until the early 1980s the Vorwaldbahn ran from Kalteneck via Eging, Schöllnach, my home town Hengersberg, to Deggendorf. Today the mostly part of the distance is removed and the line slowly comes into oblivion. But it is closely connected with the fate of the whole world, because its completion on 1. August 1914 has let come true the prophecy of the "Waldpropheten Mühlhiasl": "If the iron worm comes into the Bavarian forest, a devastating war will begin." On the next day the 1. World War began.

Nearly each event in my life is in some way connected with the railway line Munich - Passau. Thousands of happy and bad hours I already spent on this line. Here are some Information about the line "Munich - Freising - Landshut - Plattling - Passau".

If you would like to learn more about various interesting and beautiful rail routes and travel destinations, simply follow the menu on this page.